Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Connect the dots...

Remember when you were a kid and you used to play a game called "Connect the Dots"?

Usually there was a page with a bunch of black circles with numbers next to the circles. You would grab your #2 pencil---(some of us would sharpen it first), getting ready to get ready to solve this puzzle. You would find the circle with "#1." next to it. Anticipating victory, you would just keep your pencil on the paper and follow from #1 to #2, then from #2 to #3 and so forth, until you had completed the puzzle--- in the process of drawing lines, one at a time, you would have revealed an image you didn't see before!

Oh, the wonder!

Sometimes there were a few steps and you solved it right away---- but, sometimes, there were LOTS of dots to connect, and you couldn't tell what the picture "looked like" until you were pretty far into it or, even, nearly done.

I mention this simple childhood game because it relates to a very real adult problem.

Namely, how to 'connect the dots' from where U R now to the success you desire.

Most of us want to go from dot #1 to dot #47 without all the bother of the process steps in between.

Most of us don't seem to value the process and tend to define "success" in fairly narrow terms. For instance, many define "success" as money accumulated vs. who we become (e.g., character accumulated) in the process of the journey to accumulate wealth or fame or whatever the "it" is for you!

Lots of times a discouraged network marketer will think they just "chose the wrong company" instead of considering there may be some missing numbers in their picture of success. Lot's of times people think it's "magic" vs. logic.

Most people think they have to figure it all out all by themselves.

Few people realize the power of letting someone help you 'connect the dots' to your individual picture of success. The power of having someone by your side helping you look at your situation from a different perspective... to help you recognize (RE-cognitive-energizing) solutions you couldn't see before....and streamline your energy so that your day is less about "busy" and more about those powerful, profitable solutions.

What if that very picture of your life includes a life of balance so that there is satisfaction at the end of the day of 'dot connecting'?

Imagine having someone who is really hearing your heart's concerns.

Imagine someone who understands small business and network marketing and can help you find solutions that actually work for you.

What if you quit "getting ready to get ready" for life success and really lived each day immersed in it?

What if you were content instead of never feeling there was enough (fill in the blank--- time, money, energy)?

Imagine a picture like all that.

I'm a coach. I'm an encourager. I'm an innovator. And, I am very practical. Not a lot of fluff. What you see is what you get.

I can help you get from #1 to #47.

In fact, I love to help frustrated business people 'connect the dots' from where they are now to the success their true heart desires. Sometimes discerning that truth is the most important of all the success steps!

I am convinced that the God of the universe created each and every one of us to fulfil a life purpose, and what we do for work is a part of that purpose....not the entire purpose, but PART of it, for sure. It is our job as adults to return to that childhood game and 'connect the dots' of our life in such a way that our picture is completed according to the abilities, giftings, opportunities provided to each and every one of us, distinct and unique!

I know that there are times I have to use the eraser end of this "life #2 pencil"and redrawn some things--- redesigned some elements--- REcognized where adjustments were necessary. These corrections help the final picture come out as it should. I have a coach myself and my coach helps me see where correction needs to be made a lot faster than I see it myself sometimes.

That's what I do for people, too.

I would like to do this for you.

I am offering a *FREE* 'something' (coaching program? email encouragement? ---- I don't know.... something here.....

some other marketing thoughts....

****developing four "u's" to play off the blog title---
ex: Understand (your market/niche),
Undulate (e.g, be flexible),
U are your business, not the product you sell.

some product call to action:

****"Help you 'connect your dots' in 12 hours or less" (a 12 week coaching program thing)

"In less than an hour, I can help you move forward in your business" (an e-blast of 30 messages that take less than 2 min. each to read)


something like that that gives people a free taste of coaching....

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